Filter Sand

   Our filter sand is sourced from raw quartzite or aged river, to ensure we consistently provide the ideal angularity, size, spherity and hardness for the most efficient filtering of water.
   Testing over a number of years has also proven that our filter sand has a slow breakdown rate (thus ensuring a longer filtration life) as well as excellent backwashing characteristics, particularly when used in dual media filtration with filter coal.
   High quality filter sand requires the proper angularity, hardness, spherecity and size. Wellsource’s Filter Sand meets or exceeds all of these requirements which increase the holding capacity of the media. It also improves efficiency by reducing retention time and head pressure loss with greater flow rates. Ongoing quality control testing starting with the production process through to shipment ensures our media meets your specifications for uniformity coefficient and effective size.
 Packaging is available in bulk, 50kg/bag or 100kg/bag shipped via truck, rail or river barge.


  • Wellsource Filter Sand is graded specifically for water filtration plants
  • Filter Sand can be used in municipal, industrial or residential applications
  • The angular shape of the uncrushed filter sand promotes good flow and even distribution

Physical Characteristics

  • Color: white, light yellow, light tan
  • Bulk Density: 100 lbs./cu. ft.
  • Effective Size: 0.5 – 10 mm
  • Uniformity Coefficienty: 1.3 – 1.7
  •  Hardness: 7.0 (Mohs scale)

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