Softener Units
What do water softeners do?
Industrial water softeners are specific ion exchangers that are designed to remove ions, which are positively charged.
Softeners mainly remove calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) ions. Calcium and magnesium are often referred to as 'hardness minerals'. Softeners are sometimes even applied to remove iron. The softening devices are able to remove up to five milligrams per liter (5 mg/L) of dissolved iron. Softeners can operate automatic, semi-automatic, or manual. Each type is rated on the amount of hardness it can remove before regeneration is necessary. Commercial water softeners collect hardness minerals within its conditioning tank and from time to time flushes them away to drain.
How long does a water softener last?
A good water softener systemwill last many years. Water softenersthat were supplied in the 1980's may still work, and many need little maintenance, besides filling them with salt occasionally.
Standard Features
The SFTN Series water softener is designed specifically to remove high levels of dissolved solids that create “hard water” conditions, principally Calcium and Magnesium. These systems have a very high operating capacity, which make them ideal for most commercial and industrial applications:
Hotels and Motels
Apartment Buildings
Car Washes
Boiler Feed Water
Standard Features
220V/380V, 50Hz/60 Hz
Premium fiberglass/Epoxy lined steel tank
Motor driven control valve
with fully adjustable regeneration cycles
Operating pressure: 30 - 125 psi
(2 - 8.5 bars)
Self-adjusting backwash controller
Timed brine refill control
High exchange capacity polystyrene resin
UPVC tubing
Capacity up to 100 m3/h